Hugh Hudson's 1985 film based on Edgar Rice Burrough's novel Tarzan of the Apes, starring Christopher Lambert and Andie Macdowell. The film received three Oscar nominations.
The heir to the 6th Earl of Greystoke and his wife Alice are shipwrecked on the African coast. Alice gives birth to a baby but dies shortly afterwards, and her husband John is killed by an ape. The baby is brought up by apes. Years later, an expedition of British adventurers lands and is attacked by gorillas. The expedition leader is nursed to health by a half-naked man, befriends him, teaches him English, calls him 'Jean' and deduces that he must be the son of the late Lord John and Lady Alice of Greystoke. He returns to the UK and introduces 'Jean' as the long long grandson and heir of the Earl of Greystoke.
Floors Castle was used as Greystoke, family estate in the Lowlands of Scotland.