Brian Cox plays iconic wartime leader Winston Churchill in this ticking-clock thriller which follows the lead up to the D-Day invasion as the British Prime Minister, terrified of repeating the disastrous Gallipoli landings of the WW1, battles with himself as well as the Allied leaders in preparation of the invasion.
Miranda Richardson plays Churchill’s wife Clemmie from whom he gains much support as he goes up against the likes of Mad Men’s John Slattery as General Eisenhower.
The film is written by author and historian Alex von Tunzelmann while Jonathan Teplitzky takes up directing duties. Teplitzky is no stranger to the area having filmed The Railway Man starring Colin Firth and Nicole Kidman in Edinburgh and East Lothian back in 2012.
The production spent five weeks filming in the Edinburgh city region, including Calton Hill and a beach in East Lothian.