Film Edinburgh can provide top-up recce support to productions considering shooting in Edinburgh, East Lothian or the Scottish Borders. This assistance is primarily designed to allow key personnel to see what the Edinburgh City Region has to offer in terms of locations.
Support is offered on a first come first serve basis.
The support can be used for one of two things:
- two days of a local location scout to search for locations in the Edinburgh city region, or to accompany key personnel during a recce.
- to assist with the costs of undertaking your own recce. This is based on covering the cost of two people booking a hotel in the Edinburgh city region for a couple of nights.
To qualify for assistance, productions should meet the following criteria:-
Any offer of assistance will normally be subject to terms and conditions including:
- The applicant will be required to provide a detailed list of locations visited.
- The applicant will keep the Film Edinburgh informed of the progress of the project including the actual locations chosen for the shoot and shooting dates.
- Once the project has wrapped the applicant will agree to complete a spend form to Film Edinburgh to give an indication of the economic benefit brought to the area through the production.
- Copies of a selection of the resulting recce photos will be supplied for the use of Film Edinburgh.
To find out more, contact us.