- Company Name
- Edinburgh Film Studios
- Address
- Nine Mile Burn, Midlothian
EH26 9LT - Work Phone
- 01968 672131
- Mobile Phone
- 07956 307381
- info@edinburghfilmstudios.co.uk
- contact
- Donald Mitchell
- Web URL
- http://www.edinburghfilmstudios.co.uk
From the BBC to Bollywood, we've handled all sorts of productions at Edinburgh Film Studios. 1450 square feet sound stage with drive-in access, Infinity Cove, Green/Blue Screen, Blackout, 30ft x 40ft lighting grid @ 15ft, 600A 3-Phase Power, Large stock of lighting, distro and grip gear. Wifi and sound system. 2000 square feet of breakout space with kitchen, lounge, 2 station make-up facility with changing room. Free parking for cars, vans and trucks. Very quiet, beautiful location 25 minutes from the city centre.