Film office for Edinburgh, East Lothian and the Scottish Borders
Elena Hernández
Film office for Edinburgh, East Lothian and the Scottish Borders

Elena Hernández

Person Name
Elena Hernández
Mobile Phone

I have around 6 years of experience in digital content and short films and I am looking to focus on my career here in Edinburgh.

  • Edinburgh Spanish Film Festival 2022, Videographer Volunteer: responsible of shooting and editing videos of various lengths for news and promotional purpose, preparing running times
    and video transcriptions.
  • Island life production 2022, Videographer: trimming footage and putting together the rough project, I am also responsible of inserting dialog, sounds effects, music,
    graphics and special effects.
  • Media and film Volunteer, Edinburgh interfaith Association
  • Digital Content Production, University of Castilla La Mancha
  • Script, film "La rusa"
  • Direccion and script, short film "Zenith"
  • Director's assistant, short film "El viaje del oso"
  • Script, short film " Los suicidas"
  • Sound Technician Intern, musical theatre Madrid

Spanish - native
English - fluent
French - intermediate
