- Person Name
- Kathleen Lambie
- Mobile Phone
- 07879 462837
- kathleenlambie@mac.com
Production Accountant:
The Rig 2 (Wild Mercury/Amazon), Fear (Wild Mercury/Amazon)
1st Assistant:
Good Grief (Sister/Netflix), Anansi Boys (Endor/Amazon), The Rig (Kudos/Amazon).
Payroll Accountant: Castle for Christmas & Princess Switch 2: Switched Again, (MCPA/Netflix).
2nd/Assistant Accountant: Outlander seasons 3-5 (Left Bank Pictures/Sony), The Midnight Gang (King Bert/BBC), Clique Series 1(BBC GHP).
Cashier: Trainspotting T2, One of Us, Tommy's Honour.
Leader of Tomorrow 2022-2025 Cohort, NFTS Scotland Production Accounting for Film/TV Diploma graduate 2019/20.
Former life as Production Co-ordinator for 10ish years. Friendly and approachable Production Accounting.